Contact Master House Painters for a free quote -> ***PLEASE REFER TO THE LOCATION TAB IN MENU***
If you need reliable, locally trained, experienced, and fully insured painters, then look no further. With over 80% of our new clientele coming to us because they were referred by another happy customer, we can’t help but have 100% accountability with all projects backed up by a workmanship guarantee. Our team managers oversee every step from start to finish which includes helping clients on how their job is proceeding through regular updates as well so that there are zero surprises when it comes time for finishing touches or final approval before handover.
REFER TO LOCATION TAB IN THE MENU, this email is NOT MANNED to take these enquiries. All other enquiries, please use the form below.
If you are a local painter looking for more opportunities thus to partner with us, forward your interest below. Currently, we are looking for local painting businesses in various areas across Australia. We would love to hear from you!
Master House Painters is an Australian-based company that specialises in commercial painting and residential painting, house painting, interior, and exterior plus more. We only work with the best house painters out there who take pride in making our region more beautiful one job at a time. Our team provides excellent preparation before each project begins, including clean-up after completion, so you can have peace back again. We serve all our clients in cities in Australia and its suburbs. Refer to location tab to find your local professional painter.